Title: Encuentros
Director: Inaki Dorronsoro
Production: Sonora Estudios and La Zona Films
Status: Preproduction. Start filming in Autumn 2013
Following the success of his first film "La Distancia", Inaki Dorronsoro (b. Vitoria - Gasteiz, 1969) is now preparing to direct his second feature, "Encuentros".
"Encuentros" tells the story of Javier, a man who life has been scarred by a traumatic incident. In a spiral of self-destruction, he watches helplessly as his life is consumed by alcohol. His family are equally powerless to prevent Javier's private descent into hell; any attempt on their part to offer help is met with a torrent of abuse. Finally, his body can take no more. On the verge of death, he thinks back on the incident all those years ago that left such an impact on him.
Barely alive, he seeks out the man he blames for all his suffering - and incredibly, he manages to emerge the victor from what in principle seems like a suicidal confrontation. With renewed vigour, Javier rebuilds his life, freeing himself from his past excesses. For a time, all seems well - but the phantom of the past is never far behind.